Thursday, November 30, 2006


Pe Er dari Dinati yg sdh lama, baru sekarang bisa dikerjain. Maap ya buk terlambat, maklum murid yg satu ini suka malas...

Apakah kamu :
1. Iri hati : karena diriku manusia biasa, jadi sok iri hati juga. But soo far so good. Malah kadang jadi motivator buat lebih maju lagi.
2.Kamu mengandalkan 'beauty' or 'personality' : idealnya sih dua2nya. Cuman 'good personality' is the best laah yaw ??!!.
3. Punya SIM : ada SIM C & A. SIM Anya didapet tanpa ujian praktek..(hihihi jujur nih)
4. Takut kehilangan 'uang' atau 'teman' : engga takut, cuman kagak mau kehilangan dua2nya. Kalo kehilangan uang bisa cepet dapet lagi, kehilangan temen suseh kembali.
5. Berkacamata : enggak tuh
6. Suka anak kecil : iyah, dolo suka jemput keponakan di sekolah en ngajak mereka jalan2

Pernahkah kamu :
7. Berpikir utk operasi plastik : enggak , ngeriii bok lagian kaga punya duwit gede
8. Memotong rambut sendiri : iya, potong poni doank
9. Jatuh cinta pada pandangan pertama : engga, cuman tersepona, buat jatuh beneran butuh waktu deh
10. Berpikir utk adopsi anak : iyah, kepingin adopsi anak yatim/piatu Ind yg pinter
11. Pacaran sama org yg lebih tua : pernah, emang suka yg lebih tua. Makanya hubby juga lebih tua.
12. Cinta bertepuk sebelah tangan : sekali, malah beberapa tanganku yg malah nggak bertepuk qeqeqe.
13. Kehilangan dompet : sekali, waktu naik angkot penuh sesak, dompet dicopet kaga tahu

Aku suka :
14. Nonton berita : BBC dan TV lokal
15. Pelajaran sekolah : bhs Inggris, prakarya sama kesenian
16. Tipe cowok : matured, jujur, humoris en caring
17. Menu sarapan : telur ceplok or dadar sayur ditabur keju (klo pas ada)
18. Orang yg ku suka : suami, keluarga & teman2 yg baik.
19. Penampilan lawan jenis : sederhana tapi chic e.g : T-shirt putih dengan jeans dan sepatu casual.
20. Band : ABBA
21. Tempat : pantai sama taman
22. Baca koran : kadang suka baca Kompas & Suara Merdeka on line, Metro n Koran mingguan lokal
23. Resto fast food : engga sering, cuman sok ke Chinese resto
24. TV stasiun : dolo suka liat Indonesiar, skrg suka ma National Geographic en Discovery channel
25. Nama anak laki2 : blom ada ide, cmn suka dgn nama 'Surya'
26. Nama anak perempuan : idem, suka accidental aja ah

Kesan pertama kalo dengar :
27. Koper : huree piknik ma pulkam
29. Sapi : susu en putih
30. Rizky Hanggono : nama bintang pilm/ sinetron ind yah??? Wah sdh ketinggalan gosip seleb nih

Kelar deh! Gimana buk..lulus enggak

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Friends ...

Are you white, brown, black or yellow
Are you an ugly or a charming fellow
I dont mind
I like each kind
I dont care
However rare
As long as I am sure
Your intensions are pure
I shan't say
You cant play
Just not with me
I believe it is not too much to ask
And certainly not an impossible task
Nobody is perfect
and surely not ME
But relax ...
thats not what I expect you to be

Cerita Senin

Is monday always a lazy boring day?

Seringnya karna kita sdh berleha2 with families en friends di weekend, jadi sedikit males tuk mulai rutinitas (terutama yg kerja) lagi.
Seperti cerita senin kemaren. Aku sbenarnya sdh males banggets buat second talk di DH.
Karna Cel yg dorong2 akhirnya ku telp bikin janji dan berangkatlah kita. Aku gak siapin apa2, rasanya kaga ada yg perlu diapin jg. Sbenarnya aku sdh malez buat ini. Cuman modal dengkul en mikirnya nothing to lose aja. Pokonya whatever will be will be lah.

Kita sampe di tempat lebih awal. Jadi kita nunggu aja di mobil sampe mendekati waktu. Eh rasanya kok aku mulai dag dig dug jg. Yah ada bbrp hal yg masih bothering my mind. Sempet aku tanyain ke Cel, kali yg ganggu di kepala tuh benar. Paling ngga sdh ada triknya.
Kurang sepuluh menit kita masuk ke reception. Isi guest book dan kita dikasih visitor tag dan disuruh nunggu. Wah ternyata aku jadi nervous juga. Yang tadinya rasa malez banggets jd ilang. Cel sempet nanya apa aku nervous. Kali dia bisa baca dari bhs tubuhku klo aku nervous dan kubilang memang iyah.

Tunggu sekitar 5-10min datang seorang pria tengah baya, rapi pake kacamata. Dia kenalin nama dan jabat tangan. Ian, dia punya nama, sempet nanya apa dua2 nih. Cel bilang klo dia cuma nganter aja.

Kutinggal Cel dan si bapak ngantar aku liat liat2 ruang2 dan tempat2 yg ada.
Wouw aku yg tadi malez2an jadi antusias dan tersepona :)
What a nice place! terutama lapangan sepak bolanya yg besar, science room, hall buat pentas drama enzovoort. Ada banyak ruangan disana. Dia jelasin en cerita sana sini. Si Ian orangnya welcome, ramah dengan senyum manieznya pulak.

Terakhir kita masuk ke ruang dia buat omong2. Setelah omong2 sekitar setengah jam Ian mengantarku ke gerbang. Ehmm, untung deh kaga jadi aku cancel.
After all, I really enjoyed that day.

Di mobil aku nerocos cerita banyak ke Cel.
He is right. I got another new experience.

Monday is just like other days.
Kalo kita niatin dan jalanin hari2 kita, akan selalu ada kenikmatan disana.

Monday, November 27, 2006


Today I woke up a bit early.
As a ritual, sitting in front of the pc with a cup of hot cocoa while listening to the news.

I just wanna leave a little message in this black page after I did some changing in the color.

Then I'm gonna preparing things for today.
There's gonna be a second talk at noon in Den Haag.
Frankly speaking I'm not really in the mood. But I have to go.
Luckily, Cel is gonna be with me. I always feel secured if he is surround.

Anyway, Nothing to lose!

Just hoping that there might be another pearl beneath the piles of haystack.

Sunday, November 5, 2006

I am satisfied :)

This Sunday I ve spent my time wisely. I feel satisfied with it.
I didn't go anywhere as the weather was not friendly. It was cold, windy and cloudy.

I woke up early at 7am. Sat in front of PC with a cup of hot cocoa while listening the news on TV.
I checked the e-mail and tried to work out my blog. And,..It was successful. Though it was not thoroughly done, at least I can publish my posts again.

Then I ve worked out two Hoofdstuks in CODE2 within a day. Did the exercises and the tests. Wow two thumbs up!! hahah Good job gal! (a complementary for myself =D>
Frankly speaking, I ve never did it before. I often have less courage just to learn harder and more seriously.

I ve also done some household chores like washing cloths, mopping and cooking.
Cel cleaned the toilet, bathroom and kitchen and I did the rest.
He also washed the small aquarium we have, changed the water and cleaned up the pump.
Today is my turn to cook. I just mixed the vegetables we have and others that are left in the fridge: andijvie, beans sprout together with some diced tofu and tempeh and some shrimps and blended meat. I put some garlics and onions on it together with other ingredients. I have no exact recipe. Just put it here and there...and done. I also made few side dish.
I think that it tastes well. Yummy ;;)
As Cel didn't say anything.. which means it's OK!
Anyway, he never complains to what I have cooked.He eats what is in the pan.
Sometimes he just says that I need to put a little more salt on it.
FYI, psssst He is a better cook than I am =))

I still have some piles of cloths to be ironed. I wanted to do it but then I postponed. I think that I better do it tomorrow. I just folded them neatly and put them in the washbasket.

Well, I still have other things to do: preparing things for tomorrow.