Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Mau ngeTest??

Kali ada nyang penasaran(siapa juga :p ), ini loh the adapted version dari "Naturalising Abroad" nyang diberikan ke para calon imigran di negara mereka sebelum mereka dibolehin datang ke Holland.

Test ini diadaptasi dan diterjemahin secara bebas oleh THE Hague/Amsterdam/ Rotterdam TIMES dari "Inburgering in het Buitenland" (Naturalisation Abroad)
Perlu diinget, bahwasana test ini bukanlah official test dan enggak disertai gambar visualnya. Ini cuman buwat ngasih liat seperti apa testnya. Kalo pingin tahu test resminya bisa deh beli paket a "Naar Nederland" nyang tersedia di toko buku.

Pertanyaan2 ini diterjemahin dan lebih dipersingkat dari nyang aslinya berbhs Belanda.
1. What does "Nederland" (the Netherlands) mean?
2. Name a major city in the "Randstad"
3. Why is Anne Frank famous?
4. How often do the Dutch hold election? Every four years, or every six?
5. Is the life in the Netherlands cheap or expensive?
6. Is the hitting of woman allowed?
7. In an emergency, where do you go first? The pharmacy or the hospital?
8. What Dutch colony became independent shortly after World War II ended?
9. Where does the Queen live?
10. At what age are young people empowered to make their own decisions?
11. How long did Holland's war with Spain last?
12. Where is Princess Maxima from?
13. Where is the Parliamant?
14. What country lies to the south of the Netherlands?
15. Where are jobs available, in healthcare or in agriculture?
16. Where is the largest harbour?
17. Which country is smaller, the Netherlands or Marocco?
18. Is the Netherlands often dry or wet?
19. What is the capital city of the Netherlands?
20. Which large city bombed in 1940?
21. Who will pay for your language courses? The school, goverment, or yourself?
22. Who chairs the Council of Ministers? Is the Prime Minister or the Queen?
23. Do women have more rights than men, or are the men and woman subject to equal rights?
24. Were the ships of the VOC for fishing or trade?
25. Which Dutch colony became independent in 1975?
26. At what age must children begin attending school?
27. Until what age is school attendance required?
28. What is the name of the Crown Prince?
29. If you come to live in the Netherlands, do you have to get a new driver's license?
30. Will you get the dole when you move to the Netherlands, or will your family/partner support you?
31. Was the king of Spain protestant or Chatolic?
32. Is there separation of church and state?
33. What would happen if there were no dykes?
34. Do people shake hands when they first meet or sit down?
35. How long has the Dutch Republic existed?

Gimana sodara2? Does this test really prepare immigrants for life here?


eKaNi said...

Din, dykes=dikes tau toh skrg :)

si inot said...

hm. ini kan test inburgering buitenland ya cel. ntar kl mo jd blanda jg test beginian. tp bisa dpt vrijstelling kl kita punay diploma NT2 prog. I or II or diploma dr sekolah2 belanda or certificaat2 ttt.

emang baru tahun kemarin dtg ke belanda ? masih gres duooong..

kl bikin teh pake air dingin or panas, suka2 kite ya cel. mo pake air raksa or air sumur emang nape.. hehehehe. dasar wong londo, mrk suka NUNTUT orang doing the same things. emang orang gak bisa beda..

pertanayan2nya gampil2 kl dah lama di londo yak. yg kasian yg buta sama sekli ttg belanda.

mom4kids said...

hmmmm , bagaimana ya kalau pertannyaan ini di tanyakan ke org belanda asli juga yah , terus kalau mereka nggak bisa jawab di suruh inburgeringcursus ....


Innuendo said...

ini total pertanyaanya kayak apply sim di amrik hikhik...buanyak banget.

orang belanda asli tau gak jawabannya ? aku taunya belanda menjajah selama 350 th lol

Kristin said...

pertanyaannya yg aneh² gitu.. tapi itu contoh khan??? :D

Ira said...

benenrya susah banget ya enggak ya, cuman ribet aja jawabnya

Theresia Maria said...

ribet banget banyak nanya!

kenny said...

uhh...jadi tambah males ah mo migrasi ke sana :P